


The Spelling Tree, Illustrator, February 2022

This is the final outcome of our project! Our concept was inspired by a bonsai and fluxus score art. Fluxus score art is basically a performance in which the audience become the performers and engage in the activity. The leaves are letters that the audience can create words. The letters have slots so they can be attached to other letters to make a word. These words can be fit into notches within the branches. My group and I wanted the participants to imbue their own meaning into the tree. Each of us had individual tasks, such as completing our designs through illustrator and meeting up to put our pieces together.

Mini Boss Stamp, Fusion 360, May 2022

Mini Boss Stamp Link

The drafting phase was fun, but also very challenging because of the process with the amount of time we had to work with. I felt that my first designs, which are pictured here, were weak and not visually appealing. It was challenging trying to create the design for the sign and trying to match it well with the locations. But I liked how the project pushed me to communicate visually about my surroundings and how people understand symbols associated with locations. This projects helped me to learn how to design signs as a means of visual communication and how this information serves a purpose when representing specific areas or actions. I used Adobe Illustrator to create the svg and Fusion 360 create the 3D model, and the x-carve machine to carve my design into my block. My greatest challenge was creating designs for my final stamp and signs and accurately measuring the size of my stamp block. Without the proper measurements, the proportions of my stamp design was significantly enlarged, resulting in ruined carving. However, the second time I was more successful. Overall, the first and second phase of this project was the most stressful. The final phase with the printing and putting it around downtown San Jose was more fun and gave me the opportunity to explore more of the city during different times of day.

Transference Crystal, Fusion 360, May 2022

Transference Crystal Model


What if technology advanced significantly and we discovered a new element of crystal with qualities of switching traits?

The main idea behind this concept is that America, in the year 4900, discovers a new element with the ability to exchange personality traits or skills. The element was named “transphorite” because of it’s attributes. It divides up a person’s inner self, like a physical element, and that component can be distributed to another individual. Scientists and engineers have developed specific technology to improve this process and experience called a reader. The reader activates when a crystal is inserted in the center and two users put one of their fingers into the scanner. Then they can proceed to swap skills or traits. Now they can with the newly founded transerference crystal. They can hone their skills or develop traits and trade it with others. An example would be, someone working as a cop can suddenly become a professional painter by swapping skills with an experienced artist. With this technology, people can better contribute to society and society will become stronger and more peaceful because through this process of sharing. We can become a more advanced civilization through this way of enhancement…or so they thought. Almost 100 years later, society has had to rebuild itself back to where it was before anyone made the discovery. The transerference crystal led to corruption and power struggles. Despite it becoming more accessible to everyone after 50 years, the rich abused it in an attempt to create the “perfect” specimen as if it became an addiction. You know what they say, people will always want what they can have, except at that time they could and no one could stop them. In the year 5050, we value hard work and tradition so that we do not make the same mistakes of taking shortcuts and repeating history. For our sake and yours, embrace your uniqueness and willingness to learn.